Friday, May 6, 2011

Motivation for Coaches

How do you keep coaches motivated to keep at the grind, to put up with frustrations, unrealistic expectations, and tough hours? If coaches are initially motivated by pressure or guilt, they won't stick it out for long. If they are motivated purely by a sense of need for a program, that probably isn't sustainable motivation either. Worse yet, if their motivation is some sort of vicarious athletic fantasy, you most likely don't even want them in your program.

One's motivation to serve God and advance His kingdom begins with an understanding of who God is and what He has done. Sustainable motivation starts with a relationship between the individual and God--an intimate, personal relationship that harbors an understanding of the redemptive grace of the Gospel. Once an individual has a focus and understanding of what God has done for him/her, the natural response is gratitude and love--and that should be the motivation to obey and to serve.

If an individual is motivated to serve in a coaching capacity out of his/her love for Jesus and gratitude for what God has done, they now have a sustainable motivation. They have a motivation that will support them, lift them up, encourage them, and empower them to persevere. Their focus is not on any self-serving purpose, but on serving God and answering His call.

1 comment:

  1. Sports Ministry,
